ARC Submittal Forms
Below are links to our various ARC submittal forms:
     -  Sign Submittal Form with Sign Policy
     -  General Submittal Form
     -  Conceptual Review Form
     -  New Construction Initial Submittal Form
If you are not sure which form to use, or need further information regarding what needs to be included with each type of submittal, please scroll further down this page.  Each type of submittal is explained in detail.  Completed submittal forms should be forwarded to Kristina Hock, our ARC Coordinator, at
The Committee meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month.  Submittals must be received by Noon the Friday prior in order to be placed on the agenda.  Incomplete submittals or submittals lacking the property owner/property manager's signature will not be reviewed.  
Here are some document links outlining Stone Oak POA requirements.  You may find these helpful when planning your submittal/project- ensuring your submitted item is within POA policy and restrictions assists in a faster process:
     -  Stone Oak Sign Policy
     -  Stone Oak POA Master Plan
     -  Policy Regarding Bandit Sign Removal
If you have any questions, please call our office at 210-858-8508.  We are here to help!

Sign Submittals:
Along with the completed, signed Sign Submittal Form, you will need to provide a site plan with the proposed sign location clearly indicated, and a  color mock-up of the sign from your sign company that indicates dimensions, font sizes, logo sizes, colors, etc.  We encourage you to read through the Sign Policy when designing your sign to ensure your proposed sign is within the restricted font, logo, and size limits.  Window clings are limited to 25% of the tenant's total window space.
There is no fee associated with a Sign Submittal.  Please remember, the property owner, or property manager, must sign the second page of the submittal form in order for it to be reviewed.
One of the reasons your Stone Oak community looks different from other communities within San Antonio is the result of the strict Stone Oak POA Sign Policy.  Anything that is placed to attract attention to a business/property is considered a sign.
All signs within Stone Oak boundaries must adhere to the restrictions outlined in the Sign Policy, are required to be professionally made, and must first be approved in writing by the Stone Oak POA Architectural Review Committee (ARC) - this includes business signs, wall signs, monument signs, banners, neighborhood entry monuments, and even community garage sale signs.  (It should be noted the Stone Oak POA ARC approval is in addition to any required City of San Antonio approvals.)  Signage placed without prior approval is considered "bandit signage," and is subject to removal with no prior warning.  

General Improvement Submittals (landscaping changes, painting, awnings, additions, etc/special events):
If you wish to renovate, paint, build an extension, update landscaping, add awnings, change any exterior features, etc., you must complete the below General Submittal Form, and submit it to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for review and approval.  There is no fee associated with a General Improvement submittal.  Please ensure the property owner, or property manager, sign the second page.
You will need to include a site plan of the property with the location of the improvement clearly indicated, a description of what is proposed, and any material details (paint color, stone sample, etc.).  For General Improvements, we recommend you provide this no less than three weeks prior to scheduling your project to ensure all the appropriate approvals are obtained.  Please note this does not take place of any City of San Antonio requirements.  You would need to contact the City at 3-1-1 to determine any additional requirements such as permitting, etc., that you may need from them.
This same application would apply to any special events you may wish to host on your property- pumpkin patches, festivals, etc.   For such events, please include a copy of your property site plan with clear indications of proposed tents/booths, dates, and details.  And remember- ALL signage must also be submitted.  (Please also note, no amplified exterior music or noise is permitted within Stone Oak.)

Conceptual Submittals:
Are you considering purchasing a piece of commercial property within Stone Oak, and want to know if your potential project would be allowed prior to making your purchase?  
You can submit an Application for Conceptual Review, along with project information, to the ARC for review.  There is no fee associated with a conceptual review.  
It is important to note as we are a Property Owners Association, we are required to correspond with the current property owner regarding any ARC decisions.  They, or their representative, must sign the second page.
To confirm if your project concept would be permitted on a particular piece of property, please reference our Land Use Map and the Stone Oak POA Master Plan.  

New Construction Submittals:
All new construction must be submitted to the ARC for review.  Construction CANNOT take place until the review is completed, and written final approval is received.  
There is a fee associated with a new construction submittal. The submittal form explains the fee structure, and what documents are required to be submitted to our office.  This form should be completed, signed by the Property Owner, and submitted to our office along with plans and the submittal fee.  Be sure to include the emails of all persons who you wish to receive project review update communications from our office.
** A note regarding the submittal review timeline...
As the Committee only meets twice per month, new Construction projects may take weeks or months before the ARC provides a final, written decision.  We encourage all submitters of new construction projects to read through the Stone Oak POA Master Plan found on the "Governing Documents" page of this website, under the "Home" tab.  
Ensuring your project meets all restrictions and requirements will assist with a timely response.