First, we must note that cash is never accepted in our office. We offer several options for submitting your payment to the Stone Oak POA:
1) You can set up the payment through your bank's bill pay system. Check with your bank, but this is usually a free service. Please note we cannot accept electronic bank payments, therefore, your bank will issue a check, and mail it to us. When scheduling your bill pay, we suggest allowing for a 10-day mailing time. (For example, if the due date is the 30th, we would suggest setting the bill payment issue date in your bank's system as the 20th to allow for US Mail processing and delivery.)
2) You may mail a check or money order to our office at 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy, Suite 315, San Antonio, TX 78258.
Please note an exterior dropbox is NOT available at our new location. If you wish to come to the office to discuss your account, or drop off a payment, you MUST contact our office first to set up an appointment. If you would like confirmation of receipt, or have any questions, please call 210-858-8508 or reach out via email to Please ensure your Stone Oak property address, or account number, are noted on your check or money order.
3) You can make your payment online, on this website's homepage. Please ensure you are utilizing Google Chrome or Internet Explorer before initiating this process. Simply click on the "pay online" icon found just below the photo on our home page. This will take you out of the Stone Oak POA website, and into a payment portal set up by our bank. While in the portal, you can make a one-time payment, but will also be given the option to set up recurring payments on a credit card. You will need to enter your account number and the amount you wish to pay. If you need confirmation of the amount owed or your account number, please contact our office at 210-858-8508, or
**Please note, there is a convenience fee associated with making a payment online- this fee is not collected by the Stone Oak POA. Fees are as follows:
- a $2.50 convenience fee for payments made by e-check
- a 2.95% convenience fee for payments made with a credit card
- a $5.00 convenience fee for payments made with a debit card